Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Hope/Change/Other buzzwords

Well folks, it's certainly been a while hasn't it? Yes, in a scene so typically 'me' I haven't updated this thing in over a month. Well, inspired in part by a certain man's victory speech this is going to change. Things have certainly changed since I last posted - the economy has gone into melt-down (I work for a bank - great..) and more recently, America has a new president - one of those new-fangled 'negroes'

I'll start by saying I haven't been completely inactive, although Football Manager and Fable 2 have conspired to try and make this so, as has the usual copious amounts of naturally-occuring plants. But anyway, I'm going to make a conscious attempt to get this going at full pelt again as I am concerned at the lack of recent posts.

For a quick status update, other projects for Dan and James have got in the way of starting the actual character designs (this is fair considering other projects actually pay money out) and secondly, my own ineptitude has also caused the project to stagnate somewhat from a visual point of view.

Dan and James have set up their own website which I understand James will be migrating his blog to and can be found here:, or simply google "iontide" and I'm told it is the number 1 hit on the list. Then again, it's suprising what you can do on Google when you make up your own word.. :)

With those shameless plugs out the way, I'll move onto my own developments and let you know that the scripts are currently undergoing a process of revision (this is the first and only time you'll associate that word with me, even during the course of degrees and exams) and the first episode has had some amendments made to it which I'll detail

here. Well, not exactly right here, but on this next line of text. The episode is now around 45-60 seconds longer to allow for some more character development and story telling. Therefore we get more of Boris and Miguel, along with a couple of new jokes/visual gags and the extra scene I've added now helps with the overall pacing of the episode. Lastly, I've changed the ending of the episode so that it now kind of actually ends, as opposed to the rather abrupt cut-off from before. I'll post it on here shortly.

Lastly, I'll be recording some voices this week as I have people who I think are capable of doing all 4 characters but we will see, won't we? Additionally I'll be starting the character designs, etc this week/weekend so hopefully soon I'll have some things to put up on here. Oh, and lastly, I think Esteban might be making a guest return again soon but we'll see, he's a frightfully lazy man.

In the words of Jerry: "Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other."

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